Friday, April 10, 2009

Who's next??!!

Hello to all of you out there who have stopped by to visit my page! I finally got the nerve to start writing so here we go! Today started out kind of slow but it didn't take long for the action to start! I had five people needing five different things from me, which is wonderful to be wanted except it's not so cool when they all want something from me at the same time! Well. it was easy to prioritize things when your daughter yells, "poo - poo" and you have to run to changer her diaper which in turn makes my son David start yelling, "eeeww" when he gets a whiff of the wonderful aroma that is starting to take over the house! At least that keeps him from continually saying, "I'm hungry, what's for breakfast?" at least a half a dozen times within a two minutes timeframe! My 93 year old mom, bless her heart is more worried about who took the book out of the bookcase and wanting it back in its' place immediately! Hubby wants to share with me what he heard on "talk radio," but I can't really tune in to him because of all the other noise around me. My other son needs the code to get the internet to start working again but since I don't have it "memorized" he has to wait until I can go look it up! Did I forget to mention that I only got 4 1/2 hours of sleep last night and I feel like a walking Zombie??!! Ok, now you have an idea of what goes on pretty much most days around here but hey, it's only "One of Those Days"....


Canarella said...

This is starting to sound alot like the good life and let me have your grandma she sounds like my kinda gal....Hey thanks for the monkey go look at the pictures...I love you..Lani

Diah Rothman said...

Well come to the blogger world. I came here from Lani's.